Frank Zappa

the USA Frank Zappa

Album’s Overview
#1 the-mothers-of-invention-freak-out.jpg 1966 [15, 66:05] The Mothers Of Invention - Freak Out! (Verve Records V6-5005-2) studio double • new music 7.35 “Really good” Blues Rock / Soul Rock; Psychedelia
#2 the-mothers-of-invention-absolutely-free.jpg 1967 [15, 43:37] The Mothers Of Invention - Absolutely Free (Verve Records V6-5013) studio • new music
#3 frank-zappa-lumpy-gravy-1967.png 1967 [9, 22:37] Abnuceals Emuukha Electric Symphony Orchestra and Zappa - Lumpy Gravy [1967] (Capitol Records 4CL-2719) studio mini • new music
#4 the-mothers-of-invention-were-only-in-it-for-the-money.jpg 1968 [18, 39:07] The Mothers Of Invention - We’re Only In It For The Money (Verve Records V6-5045) studio • new music 5.34 “Below average” Avant-Garde; Pop; Psychedelia
#5 the-mothers-of-invention-cruising-with-ruben-and-the-jets.jpg 1968 [13, 40:34] The Mothers Of Invention - Cruising With Ruben And The Jets (Verve Records V6-5055X) studio • new music
#6 the-mothers-of-invention-uncle-meat.jpg 1969 [31, 120:25] The Mothers Of Invention - Uncle Meat (Bizarre Records 2MS-2024) studio double • new music
#7 frank-zappa-hot-rats.jpg 1969 [6, 47:05] Frank Zappa - Hot Rats (Bizarre Records RS-6356) studio • new music 5.20 “Below average” Prog; Rock
#8 the-mothers-of-invention-burnt-weeny-sandwich.jpg 1970 [9, 41:07] The Mothers Of Invention - Burnt Weeny Sandwich (Bizarre Records RS-6370) studio / live • new music
#9 the-mothers-of-invention-weasels-ripped-my-flesh.jpg 1970 [11, 43:04] The Mothers Of Invention - Weasels Ripped My Flesh (Bizarre Records MS-2028) studio / live • new music
#10 frank-zappa-chungas-revenge.jpg 1970 [10, 40:22] Frank Zappa - Chunga’s Revenge (Bizarre Records MS-2030) studio • new music
#11 frank-zappa-200-motels.jpg 1971 [39, 91:49] Frank Zappa - 200 Motels (United Artists Records UAS-9956) studio double • new music • film soundtrack
#12 frank-zappa-waka-jawaka.jpg 1972 [4, 36:08] Frank Zappa - Waka / Jawaka (Bizarre Records MS-2094) studio mini • new music
#13 the-mothers-the-grand-wazoo.jpg 1972 [5, 37:03] The Mothers - The Grand Wazoo (Bizarre Records MS-2093) studio • new music
#14 the-mothers-over-nite-sensation.jpg 1973 [7, 34:25] The Mothers - Over-Nite Sensation (Discreet MS-2149) studio • new music
#15 frank-zappa-apostrophe.jpg 1974 [9, 31:45] Frank Zappa - Apostrophe (’) (Discreet MS-2175) studio • new music 5.30 “Below average” Rock
#16 zappa-mothers-roxy-and-elsewhere.jpg 1974 [10, 67:59] Zappa / Mothers - Roxy And Elsewhere (Discreet 2DS-2202) live double • new music
#17 frank-zappa-and-the-mothers-of-invention-one-size-fits-all.jpg 1975 [9, 42:52] Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention - One Size Fits All (Discreet DS-2216) studio • new music
#18 zappa-beefheart-mothers-bongo-fury.jpg 1975 [9, 38:55] Zappa / Beefheart / Mothers - Bongo Fury (Discreet DS-2234) live / studio collaboration • new music
#19 zappa-zoot-allures.jpg 1976 [9, 41:32] Zappa - Zoot Allures (Warner Bros. Records BS-2970) studio / live • new music
#20 frank-zappa-zappa-in-new-york.jpg 1978 [15, 111:46] Frank Zappa - Zappa In New York (Discreet 2D-2290) live double • new music
#21 frank-zappa-studio-tan.jpg 1978 [4, 39:05] Frank Zappa - Studio Tan (Discreet DSK-2291) studio mini • new music
#22 frank-zappa-sleep-dirt.jpg 1979 [7, 38:39] Frank Zappa - Sleep Dirt (Discreet DSK-2292) studio • new music
#23 frank-zappa-sheik-yerbouti.jpg 1979 [18, 70:22] Frank Zappa - Sheik Yerbouti (Zappa Records SRZ-2-1501) studio double • new music
#24 frank-zappa-orchestral-favorites.jpg 1979 [5, 33:54] Frank Zappa - Orchestral Favorites (Discreet DSK-2294) studio • new music
#25 zappa-joes-garage-act-i.jpg 1979 [8, 39:33] Zappa - Joe’s Garageː Act I (Zappa Records SRZ-1-1603) studio • new music
#26 frank-zappa-joes-garage-acts-ii-and-iii.jpg 1979 [10, 75:36] Frank Zappa - Joe’s Garageː Acts II And III (Zappa Records SRZ-2-1502) studio double • new music
#27 frank-zappa-you-are-what-you-is.jpg 1981 [20, 67:11] Frank Zappa - You Are What You Is (Barking Pumpkin Records PW2-37537) studio double • new music
#28 zappa-ship-arriving-too-late-to-save-a-drowning-witch.jpg 1982 [6, 34:18] Zappa - Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch (Barking Pumpkin Records FW-38066) studio • new music
#29 zappa-the-man-from-utopia.jpg 1983 [11, 40:21] Zappa - The Man From Utopia (Barking Pumpkin Records FW-38403) studio / live • new music
#30 boulez-conducts-zappa-the-perfect-stranger.jpg 1984 [7, 36:53] Boulez conducts Zappa - The Perfect Stranger (EMI Angel Digital DS-38170) studio • new music
#31 zappa-them-or-us.jpg 1984 [14, 70:45] Zappa - Them Or Us (Barking Pumpkin Records SVBO-74200) studio double • new music
#32 frank-zappa-francesco-zappa.jpg 1984 [17, 37:29] Frank Zappa - Francesco Zappa (Barking Pumpkin Records ST-74202) studio • new music
#33 frank-zappa-frank-zappa-meets-the-mothers-of-prevention.jpg 1985 [10, 43:46] Frank Zappa - Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention (Barking Pumpkin Records ST-74203) studio • new music
#34 frank-zappa-jazz-from-hell.jpg 1986 [8, 34:26] Frank Zappa - Jazz From Hell (Barking Pumpkin Records ST-74205) studio • new music
#35 frank-zappa-broadway-the-hard-way.jpg 1988 [17, 71:03] Frank Zappa - Broadway The Hard Way (Rykodisc RCD-40096) live • new music compilation
#36 frank-zappa-civilization-phaze-iii.jpg 1994 [41, 113:47] Frank Zappa - Civilization Phaze III (Barking Pumpkin Records UMRK-01) studio double • new music
date.png 25-Sep-2010
notes.png The end. Died 1993, aged 52.

frank-zappa-lumpy-gravy-1968.jpg 1968 [2, 31:39] Francis Vincent Zappa conducts The Abnuceals Emuukha Electric Orchestra and Chorus - Lumpy Gravy [1968] (Verve Records V6-8741) studio mini • reworkings / new music
the-mothers-fillmore-east-june-1971.jpg 1971 [11, 43:11] The Mothers - Fillmore East - June 1971 (Bizarre Records MS-2032) live
las-mothers-just-another-band-from-la.jpg 1972 [5, 45:18] Las Mothers - Just Another Band From L.A. (Bizarre Records MS-2075) live
frank-zappa-tinsel-town-rebellion.jpg 1981 [15, 67:19] Frank Zappa - Tinsel Town Rebellion (Barking Pumpkin Records PW2-37336) live double
frank-zappa-shut-up-n-play-yer-guitar.jpg 1981 [7, 34:19] Frank Zappa - Shut Up ’n Play Yer Guitar (Barking Pumpkin Records BPR-1111) studio / live • new music / reworkings
frank-zappa-shut-up-n-play-yer-guitar-some-more.jpg 1981 [7, 34:52] Frank Zappa - Shut Up ’n Play Yer Guitar Some More (Barking Pumpkin Records BPR-1112) studio / live • new music / reworkings
frank-zappa-return-of-the-son-of-shut-up-n-play-yer-guitar.jpg 1981 [6, 35:48] Frank Zappa - Return Of The Son Of Shut Up ’n Play Yer Guitar (Barking Pumpkin Records BPR-1113) studio / live • new music / reworkings
frank-zappa-baby-snakes.png 1983 [8, 36:13] Frank Zappa - Baby Snakes (Barking Pumpkin Records BPR-1115) live • film soundtrack
frank-zappa-london-symphony-orchestra-vol-1.jpg 1983 [6, 52:33] The London Symphony Orchestra and Zappa - London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 1 (Barking Pumpkin Records ‎FW-38820) studio • new music / reworkings
frank-zappa-thing-fish.jpg 1984 [22, 90:58] Frank Zappa - Thing-Fish (Barking Pumpkin Records SKCO-74201) studio triple • new music / reworkings
frank-zappa-does-humor-belong-in-music.jpg 1986 [10, 61:41] Frank Zappa - Does Humor Belong In Music? (EMI CDP 7 46188 2) live
frank-zappa-frank-zappa-and-london-symphony-orchestra-vol-2.jpg 1987 [3, 43:37] Frank Zappa and The London Symphony Orchestra - Frank Zappa And The London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 2 (Barking Pumpkin Records SJ-74207) studio • reworkings / new music
frank-zappa-guitar.jpg 1988 [32, 131:28] Frank Zappa - Guitar (Barking Pumpkin Records D1-74212) live / studio double
frank-zappa-you-cant-do-that-on-stage-anymore-vol-1.jpg 1988 [28, 137:23] Frank Zappa - You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 1 (Rykodisc RCD-10081/82) live double
frank-zappa-you-cant-do-that-on-stage-anymore-vol-2.jpg 1988 [20, 116:42] Frank Zappa - You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 2 (Rykodisc RCD-10083/84) live double
frank-zappa-you-cant-do-that-on-stage-anymore-vol-3.jpg 1989 [25, 135:03] Frank Zappa - You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 3 (Rykodisc RCD-10085/86) live double
frank-zappa-the-best-band-you-never-heard-in-your-life.jpg 1991 [28, 131:13] Frank Zappa - The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life (Barking Pumpkin Records D2-74233) live double
frank-zappa-you-cant-do-that-on-stage-anymore-vol-4.jpg 1991 [34, 134:03] Frank Zappa - You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 4 (Rykodisc RCD-10087/88) live double
frank-zappa-make-a-jazz-noise-here.jpg 1991 [25, 136:44] Frank Zappa - Make A Jazz Noise Here (Barking Pumpkin Records D2-74234) live double
frank-zappa-you-cant-do-that-on-stage-anymore-vol-5.jpg 1991 [38, 140:45] Frank Zappa - You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 5 (Rykodisc RCD-10089/90) live double
frank-zappa-you-cant-do-that-on-stage-anymore-vol-6.jpg 1992 [37, 137:26] Frank Zappa - You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 6 (Rykodisc RCD-10091/92) live double
frank-zappa-playground-psychotics.jpg 1992 [56, 127:19] Frank Zappa - Playground Psychotics (Barking Pumpkin Records D2-74244) live double
mothers-of-invention-ahead-of-their-time.jpg 1993 [20, 67:27] Mothers Of Invention - Ahead Of Their Time (Barking Pumpkin Records D2-74246) live
zappa-with-ensemble-modern-the-yellow-shark.jpg 1993 [19, 72:02] Zappa with Ensemble Modern - The Yellow Shark (Barking Pumpkin Records R2-71600) live
frank-zappa-strictly-commercial-the-best-of-frank-zappa.jpg 1995 [19, 76:45] Frank Zappa - Strictly Commercialː The Best Of Frank Zappa 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Rykodisc ‎RCD-40600) studio • compilation
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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