Isaac Hayes

the USA Isaac Hayes

Album’s Overview
#1 isaac-hayes-presenting-isaac-hayes.jpg 1967 [6, 33:25] Isaac Hayes - Presenting Isaac Hayes (Atlantic SD 13-100) studio • new music
#2 isaac-hayes-hot-buttered-soul.jpg 1969 [4, 45:24] Isaac Hayes - Hot Buttered Soul (Enterprise ENS-1001) studio • new music 5.48 “Below average” Soul Ballad
#3 isaac-hayes-movement-the-isaac-hayes-movement.jpg 1970 [4, 36:18] Isaac Hayes Movement - The Isaac Hayes Movement (Enterprise ENS-1010) studio mini • new music
#4 isaac-hayes-to-be-continued.jpg 1970 [5, 42:03] Isaac Hayes - …To Be Continued (Enterprise ENS-1014) studio • new music
#5 isaac-hayes-shaft.jpg 1971 [15, 69:29] Isaac Hayes - Shaft (Enterprise ENS-2-5002) studio double • new music • film soundtrack 5.28 “Below average” Disco / Funk; Cerebral Pop; Pop Ballad
#6 isaac-hayes-black-moses.jpg 1971 [14, 93:38] Isaac Hayes - Black Moses (Enterprise ENS-2-5003) studio double • new music 2.82 “Dire” Soul Ballad; Pop Ballad; R n B
#7 isaac-hayes-joy.jpg 1973 [5, 47:28] Isaac Hayes - Joy (Enterprise ENS-5007) studio • new music
#8 isaac-hayes-tough-guys.jpg 1974 [9, 33:27] Isaac Hayes - Tough Guys (Enterprise ENS-7504) studio • new music • film soundtrack
#9 isaac-hayes-truck-turner.jpg 1974 [17, 71:08] Isaac Hayes - Truck Turner (Enterprise ENS-2-7507) studio double • new music • film soundtrack
#10 isaac-hayes-chocolate-chip.jpg 1975 [7, 40:33] Isaac Hayes - Chocolate Chip (ABC Records ABCD-874) studio • new music
#11 isaac-hayes-movement-disco-connection.jpg 1975 [8, 44:54] Isaac Hayes Movement - Disco Connection (ABC Records ABCD-923) studio • new music
#12 isaac-hayes-groove-a-thon.jpg 1976 [6, 41:44] Isaac Hayes - Groove-A-Thon (ABC Records ABCD-925) studio • new music
#13 isaac-hayes-juicy-fruit.jpg 1976 [7, 41:28] Isaac Hayes - Juicy Fruit (ABC Records ABCD-953) studio • new music
#14 isaac-hayes-with-dionne-warwick-a-man-and-a-woman.jpg 1977 [11, 74:04] Isaac Hayes with Dionne Warwick - A Man And A Woman (ABC Records AB-996/2) live double • new music
#15 isaac-hayes-new-horizon.jpg 1977 [5, 44:19] Isaac Hayes - New Horizon (Polydor PD-1-6120) studio • new music
#16 isaac-hayes-for-the-sake-of-love.jpg 1978 [6, 41:06] Isaac Hayes - For The Sake Of Love (Polydor PD-1-6164) studio • new music
#17 isaac-hayes-dont-let-go.jpg 1979 [6, 35:10] Isaac Hayes - Don’t Let Go (Polydor PD-1-6224) studio • new music
#18 isaac-hayes-and-once-again.png 1980 [5, 39:10] Isaac Hayes - And Once Again (Polydor PD-1-6269) studio • new music
#19 isaac-hayes-lifetime-thing.jpg 1981 [6, 36:25] Isaac Hayes - Lifetime Thing (Polydor PD-1-6329) studio • new music
#20 isaac-hayes-u-turn.png 1986 [9, 44:07] Isaac Hayes - U-Turn (Columbia CK-40316) studio • new music
#21 isaac-hayes-love-attack.jpg 1988 [9, 45:44] Isaac Hayes - Love Attack (Columbia FC-40941) studio • new music
#22 isaac-hayes-branded.jpg 1995 [11, 64:06] Isaac Hayes - Branded (Pointblank 7243 8 40335 2 1) studio • new music
date.png 13-Jan-2012
notes.png The end. Died 2008, aged 65.

isaac-hayes-hotbed.jpg 1978 [5, 34:21] Isaac Hayes - Hotbed (Stax STX-4102) studio • compilation
isaac-hayes-wonderful.jpg 1994 [9, 50:14] Isaac Hayes - Wonderful (Stax ‎SCD24 8585-2) studio • compilation
isaac-hayes-raw-and-refined.jpg 1995 [13, 65:48] Isaac Hayes - Raw And Refined (Pointblank 7243 8 40336 4 4) studio • compilation
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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