Jackie Mittoo

Jamaica Jackie Mittoo

Album’s Overview
#1 jackie-mittoo-jackie-mittoo-in-london.jpg 1967 [12, 34:42] Jackie Mittoo - Jackie Mittoo In London (Coxsone Records CSL-8009) studio • new music
#2 jackie-mittoo-and-the-soul-vendors-evening-time.jpg 1968 [12, 34:40] Jackie Mittoo and The Soul Vendors - Evening Time (Coxsone Records CSL-8012) studio • new music
#3 jackie-mittoo-keep-on-dancing.jpg 1969 [12, 31:46] Jackie Mittoo - Keep On Dancing (Coxsone Records CSL-8020) studio • new music
#4 jackie-mittoo-now.jpg 1970 [10, 32:14] Jackie Mittoo - Now (Studio One SOL-9016) studio • new music
#5 jackie-mittoo-macka-fat.jpg 1971 [12, 39:15] Jackie Mittoo - Macka Fat (Studio One SOL-1120) studio • new music 6.17 “Decent enough” Reggae
#6 jackie-mittoo-wishbone.jpg 1971 [12, 33:15] Jackie Mittoo - Wishbone (Summus Records SUS-50-002) studio • new music
#7 jackie-mittoo-reggae-magic.jpg 1972 [12, 35:07] Jackie Mittoo - Reggae Magic (Studio One SOL-1124) studio • new music
#8 jackie-mittoo-lets-put-it-all-together.jpg 1975 [12, 34:43] Jackie Mittoo - Let’s Put It All Together (United Artists Records UA-LA-442-G) studio • new music / reworkings
#9 jackie-mitto-the-keyboard-king.jpg 1976 [10, 31:15] Jackie Mitto - The Keyboard King (Third World TWS-501) studio • new music
#10 jackie-mittoo-hot-blood.jpg 1977 [8, 24:09] Jackie Mittoo - Hot Blood (Third World TWS-912) studio • new music
#11 jackie-mittoo-in-cold-blood.jpg 1978 [10, 38:52] Jackie Mittoo - In Cold Blood (Third World TWS-931) studio • new music
#12 jackie-mittoo-the-money-makers.jpg 1979 [10, 29:15] Jackie Mittoo - The Money Makers (Jackie Mittoo Music Production PRP-250) studio • new music
#13 jackie-mittoo-showcase.jpg 1980 [6, ??:??] Jackie Mittoo - Showcase (Studio One SOLP-0130) studio • new music
#14 jackie-mittoo-wild-jockey.jpg 1989 [11, 38:12] Jackie Mittoo - Wild Jockey (Wackie's WACKIES-2749) studio • new music
date.png 14-Oct-2016
notes.png The end. Died 1990, aged 42.

jackie-mittoo-show-case-volume-3.jpg 1977 [10, 42:27] Jackie Mittoo - Show Case Volume 3 (Abraham JIM-4967) studio • new music compilation / reworkings
jackie-mittoo-stepping-tiger.jpg 1979 [8, 35:24] Jackie Mittoo - Stepping Tiger (Rite Sound Inc. DM-100) studio • new music compilation / reworkings
jakki-version-studio.jpg 1985 [9, ??:??] Jakki - Version Studio (Marcher Music J-0026C) studio • compilation
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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