Laurel Aitken

Cuba Laurel Aitken

Album’s Overview
#1 laurel-aitken-after-sunset.jpg 1964 [15, ??:??] Laurel Aitkin, Vic Brown’s Combo, Bobby Aitkin and Alan Martin - After Sunset (Decca LK-4606) studio split • new music compilation
#2 laurel-aitken-ska-with-laurel.jpg 1965 [12, 30:11] Laurel Aitken - Ska With Laurel (Rio LR-1) studio • new music compilation 6.33 “Decent enough” Ska / Rocksteady; Blues / Rhythm n Blues
#3 laurel-aitken-laurel-aitken-says-fire.jpg 1969 [12, 31:58] Laurel Aitken - Laurel Aitken Says Fire (Doctor Bird DLM-5012) studio • new music 6.32 “Decent enough” Reggae
#4 girlie-and-laurel-aitken-scandal-in-a-brixton-market.jpg 1969 [12, 42:59] Girlie and Laurel Aitken - Scandal In A Brixton Market (Pama Records ECO-8) studio collaboration • new music 7.61 “Brilliant” Reggae
#5 laurel-aitken-the-high-priest-of-reggae.jpg 1970 [12, 34:10] Laurel Aitken - The High Priest Of Reggae (Pama Records PSP-1012) studio • new music 7.83 “Brilliant” Reggae
#6 laurel-aitken-the-fantastic-laurel-aitken.jpg 1972 [12, 31:53] Laurel Aitken - The Fantastic Laurel Aitken (Hebra Records LP-61) studio • new music 6.16 “Decent enough” Reggae
#7 laurel-aitken-moria-sofia.jpg 1973 [12, ??:??] Laurel Aitken - Moria Sofia (Count Shelly ‎CSLP-01) studio • new music
#8 laurel-aitken-floyd-lloyd-and-potato-five-meet-laurel-aitken(1).jpg 1987 [9, 34:36] Floyd Lloyd and The Potato 5 meet Laurel Aitken - Floyd Lloyd And The Potato Five Meet Laurel Aitken 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Gaz's Rockin' Records LP-GAZ-001) studio collaboration • new music / reworkings
#9 potato-5-featuring-laurel-aitken-true-fact(1).jpg 1988 [10, 32:11] Potato 5 featuring Laurel Aitken - True Fact 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Rackit MASH-001) studio collaboration • new music
#10 laurel-aitken-ringo-the-gringo(1).jpg 1989 [10, 36:08] Laurel Aitken - Ringo The Gringo 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Unicorn Records PHZA-50) studio • new music
#11 laurel-lorenzo-aitken-en-espanol.jpg 1999 [10, 37:52] Laurel ‘Lorenzo’ Aitken - En Espanol (Liquidator Music ‎LQ-007) studio • new music
#12 laurel-aitken-and-the-cookoomackastick-the-no1-hits.jpg 2006 [12, 42:23] Laurel Aitken and The Cookoomackastick - The No.1 Hits (Soul Love 150193) studio / live collaboration • new music / reworkings
date.png 07-Aug-2010
notes.png The end. Died 2005, aged 87.

laurel-aitken-the-legendary-godfather-of-ska-vol-3.jpg 1990 [12, 30:38] Laurel Aitken with The Skatalites - The Legendary Godfather Of Ska, Vol. 3 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Unicorn Records PHZA-59) studio collaboration • compilation
laurel-aitken-the-story-so-far.jpg 1995 [13, 50:17] Laurel Aitken - The Story So Far (Grover Records GRO-CD-008) studio • new music
laurel-aitken-damn-good.jpg 1995 [16, 66:01] The Ska-Flames featuring Laurel Aitken, Roland Alphonso and Lester Sterling - Damn Good (Sun Shot Records TOCP-8699) studio collaboration • new music
laurel-aitken-and-the-skatalites-ska-titans.jpg 1999 [10, 40:53] Laurel Aitken and The Skatalites - Ska Titans 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Moon Ska ‎MR-141) studio / live collaboration • new music / reworkings
laurel-aitken-godfather-of-ska-1963-1966.jpg 2000 [21, 53:32] Laurel Aitken - Godfather Of Ska, 1963-1966 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Grover Records GRO-CD-039) studio • compilation
laurel-aitken-with-court-jesters-crew-jamboree.jpg 2000 [12, 41:21] Laurel Aitken with Court Jester’s Crew - Jamboree (Grover Records GRO-CD-048) studio collaboration • new music / reworkings
laurel-aitken-superstar.jpg 2005 [11, 41:17] Laurel Aitken - Superstar (Liquidator Music ‎LQ-022) studio / live • compilation
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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