Linton Kwesi Johnson

Jamaica Linton Kwesi Johnson

Album’s Overview
#1 poet-and-the-roots-dread-beat-an-blood.jpg 1978 [8, 33:22] Poet and The Roots - Dread Beat An’ Blood (Front Line FL-1017) studio • new music 7.53 “Brilliant” Reggae
#2 linton-kwesi-johnson-forces-of-victory.jpg 1979 [8, 33:52] Linton Kwesi Johnson - Forces Of Victory (Island Records ILPS-9566) studio • new music 7.28 “Really good” Reggae
#3 linton-kwesi-johnson-bass-culture.jpg 1980 [8, 31:15] Linton Kwesi Johnson - Bass Culture (Island Records ILPS 9605) studio • new music 7.66 “Brilliant” Reggae
#4 linton-kwesi-johnson-making-history(1).jpg 1983 [7, 33:31] Linton Kwesi Johnson - Making History 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Island Records ILPS 9770) studio • new music
#5 linton-kwesi-johnson-tings-an-times.jpg 1991 [7, 37:28] Linton Kwesi Johnson - Tings An’ Times 0.000.png (review pending upload) (LKJ Records STCD-2002) studio • new music
#6 linton-kwesi-johnson-more-time.jpg 1999 [9, 55:56] Linton Kwesi Johnson - More Time 0.000.png (review pending upload) (LKJ Records LKJ-CD-018) studio • new music
date.png 18-Oct-2018
notes.png Correct @ last verified date.

linton-kwesi-johnson-lkj-in-dub.jpg 1980 [8, 30:21] Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Dub (Island Records ILPS 9650) studio • dub versions 6.22 “Decent enough” Reggae
linton-kwesi-johnson-lkj-in-concert-with-the-dub-band(1).jpg 1985 [17, 62:56] Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Concert With The Dub Band 0.000.png (review pending upload) (LKJ Records LKJ-CD-003) live double
linton-kwesi-johnson-lkj-in-dub-vol2.jpg 1992 [9, 43:14] Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Dub Vol.2 0.000.png (review pending upload) (LKJ Records LKJ-CD-002) studio • dub versions
lkj-lkj-a-capella-live.jpg 1996 [14, 42:59] LKJ - LKJ A Capella Live 0.000.png (review pending upload) (LKJ Records LKJ-CD-016) live
linton-kwesi-johnson-lkj-in-dub-vol3.jpg 2002 [10, 63:36] Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Dub Vol.3 0.000.png (review pending upload) (LKJ Records LKJ-CD-021) studio • dub versions
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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