Nick Drake

Burma Nick Drake

Album’s Overview
#1 nick-drake-five-leaves-left.jpg 1969 [10, 41:47] Nick Drake - Five Leaves Left (Island Records ILPS-9105) studio • new music 8.96 “A classic” Songwriter; Folk
#2 nick-drake-bryter-layter.jpg 1970 [10, 39:28] Nick Drake - Bryter Layter (Island Records ILPS-9134) studio • new music 7.55 “Brilliant” Folk; Songwriter
#3 nick-drake-pink-moon.jpg 1972 [11, 28:32] Nick Drake - Pink Moon (Island Records ILPS-9184) studio • new music 6.39 “Decent enough” Folk
date.png 01-Apr-2011
notes.png The end. Died 1974, aged 26.


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