Nick Lowe

England Nick Lowe

Album’s Overview
#1 nick-lowe-jesus-of-cool.jpg 1978 [11, 33:17] Nick Lowe - Jesus Of Cool (Radar Records RAD-1) studio • new music 5.83 “Average” Pop; New Wave
#2 nick-lowe-labour-of-lust.jpg 1979 [11, 32:40] Nick Lowe - Labour Of Lust (Radar Records RAD-21) studio • new music
#3 nick-lowe-nick-the-knife.jpg 1982 [12, 34:11] Nick Lowe - Nick The Knife (F-Beat XXLP-14) studio • new music
#4 nick-lowe-the-abominable-showman.jpg 1983 [12, 35:07] Nick Lowe - The Abominable Showman (F-Beat XXLP-19) studio • new music
#5 nick-lowe-nick-lowe-and-his-cowboy-outfit.jpg 1984 [11, 37:01] Nick Lowe and his Cowboy Outfit - Nick Lowe And His Cowboy Outfit (F-Beat ZL-70338) studio • new music
#6 nick-lowe-and-his-cowboy-outfit-the-rose-of-england.jpg 1985 [12, 40:05] Nick Lowe and his Cowboy Outfit - The Rose Of England (F-Beat ZL-70765) studio • new music
#7 nick-lowe-pinker-and-prouder-than-previous.jpg 1988 [11, 39:06] Nick Lowe - Pinker And Prouder Than Previous (Demon Records FIEND-CD-99) studio • new music
#8 nick-lowe-party-of-one.jpg 1990 [11, 35:31] Nick Lowe - Party Of One (Reprise Records 7599-26132-2) studio • new music
#9 nick-lowe-the-impossible-bird.jpg 1994 [13, 40:12] Nick Lowe - The Impossible Bird (Demon Records FIEND-CD-757) studio • new music
#10 nick-lowe-dig-my-mood.jpg 1998 [12, 36:58] Nick Lowe - Dig My Mood (Demon Records FIEND-CD-939) studio • new music
#11 nick-lowe-the-convincer.jpg 2001 [12, 37:57] Nick Lowe - The Convincer (Proper Records PRP-CD-012) studio • new music
#12 nick-lowe-at-my-age.jpg 2007 [12, 33:07] Nick Lowe - At My Age 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Proper Records PRP-CD-030) studio • new music
#13 nick-lowe-the-old-magic.jpg 2011 [11, 35:21] Nick Lowe - The Old Magic (Proper Records PRP-CD-085) studio • new music
#14 nick-lowe-quality-street-a-seasonal-selection-for-all-family.jpg 2013 [12, 38:33] Nick Lowe - Quality Street: A Seasonal Selection For All The Family (Proper Records PRP-CD-114) studio • new music
date.png 18-Oct-2018
notes.png Correct @ last verified date.


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