Prince Far I

Jamaica Prince Far I

Album’s Overview
#1 prince-far-i-psalms-for-i.jpg 1976 [10, 31:02] Prince Far I - Psalms For I (Carib Gems CGLP-1002) studio • new music 7.50 “Brilliant” Reggae
#2 prince-far-i-under-heavy-manners.jpg 1977 [10, 33:09] Prince Far I - Under Heavy Manners (Joe Gibbs Music JGML-0023) studio • new music 6.92 “Good” Reggae
#3 prince-far-i-message-from-the-king.jpg 1978 [10, 35:06] Prince Far I - Message From The King (Front Line FL-1013) studio • new music 6.55 “Good” Reggae
#4 prince-far-i-long-life.jpg 1978 [9, 32:22] Prince Far I - Long Life (Front Line FL-1021) studio • new music 7.98 “Brilliant” Reggae
#5 prince-far-i-cry-tuff-dub-encounter-part-2.jpg 1979 [9, 29:16] Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter Part 2 (Front Line FLX-4002) studio • new music 5.88 “Average” Reggae
#6 prince-far-i-free-from-sin.jpg 1979 [9, 34:51] Prince Far I - Free From Sin (Trojan Records TRLS-175) studio • new music 6.27 “Decent enough” Reggae
#7 prince-far-i-jamaican-heroes.jpg 1980 [9, 35:49] Prince Far I - Jamaican Heroes (Trojan Records TRLS-190) studio • new music / reworkings 6.58 “Good” Reggae
#8 prince-far-i-livity.jpg 1981 [10, 36:51] Prince Far I - Livity (PRE Records PRE-X-7) studio • new music 6.39 “Decent enough” Reggae
#9 prince-far-i-voice-of-thunder.jpg 1981 [10, 38:52] Prince Far I - Voice Of Thunder (Trojan Records TRLS-204) studio • new music 6.26 “Decent enough” Reggae
#10 prince-far-i-musical-history(1).jpg 1983 [9, 31:38] Prince Far I - Musical History 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Trojan Records TRLS-214) studio • new music
#11 prince-far-i-umkhonto-we-sizwe-spear-of-the-nation(1).jpg 1984 [6, 43:30] Prince Far I - Umkhonto We Sizwe (Spear Of The Nation) 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Kingdom Records KVL-9016) studio • new music
date.png 07-May-2011
notes.png The end. The Voice of Thunder was shot to death during a robbery in his own home on September 15, 1983. He was just 39 years old.

the-arabs-cry-tuff-dub-encounter-chapter-1.jpg 1978 [10, 38:39] The Arabs - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter Chapter 1 (Hitrun AP-LP-9002) studio • dub versions 5.73 “Average” Reggae
prince-far-i-and-the-arabs-dub-to-africa.jpg 1979 [8, 31:23] Prince Far I and The Arabs - Dub To Africa (Hitrun AP-LP-9006) studio • dub versions 5.58 “Average” Reggae
prince-far-i-and-arabs-cry-tuff-dub-encounter-chapter-iii.jpg 1980 [8, 39:28] Prince Far I and The Arabs - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter Chapter III (Daddy Kool DKLP-15) studio • dub versions 5.43 “Below average” Reggae
prince-far-i-meet-veros-artis-showcase-in-a-suitcase.jpg 1980 [10, 37:32] Prince Far I meet Veros Artis - Showcase In A Suitcase (PRE Records PRE-X-F3) studio • compilation
10 prince-far-i-and-the-arabs-cry-tuff-dub-encounter-chapter-iv.jpg 1981 [8, 35:10] Prince Far I and The Arabs - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter Chapter IV (Trojan Records TRLS-205) studio • dub versions 4.93 “Poor” Reggae
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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