The Johnstons [60s-70s folk]

Ireland The Johnstons [60s-70s folk]

Album’s Overview
#1 the-johnstons-the-travelling-people.jpg 1968 [10, ??:??] The Johnstons - The Travelling People (Marble Arch Records MAL-808) studio • new music compilation
#2 the-johnstons-the-johnstons-1968.jpg 1968 [14, 42:39] The Johnstons - The Johnstons [1968] (Transatlantic Records TRA-169) studio • new music 6.70 “Good” Folk
#3 the-johnstons-give-a-damn.jpg 1969 [12, 36:57] The Johnstons - Give A Damn (Transatlantic Records TRA-184) studio • new music
#4 the-johnstons-the-barley-corn.jpg 1969 [12, 38:04] The Johnstons - The Barley Corn (Transatlantic Records TRA-185) studio • new music 6.73 “Good” Folk
#5 the-johnstons-bitter-green.jpg 1969 [10, 38:30] The Johnstons - Bitter Green (Transatlantic Records TRA-211) studio • new music
#6 the-johnstons-colours-of-the-dawn.jpg 1970 [9, 35:13] The Johnstons - Colours Of The Dawn (Transatlantic Records TRA-231) studio • new music
#7 the-johnstons-if-i-sang-my-song.jpg 1972 [9, ??:??] The Johnstons - If I Sang My Song (Transatlantic Records TRA-251) studio • new music
date.png 25-Jul-2010
notes.png The end. Band split 1973.

the-johnstons-the-johnstons-1968-the-barley-corn.jpg 1996 [25, 77:28] The Johnstons - The Johnstons [1968] / The Barley Corn 0.000.png (review pending upload) (Castle Communications ESM-CD-410) studio • compilation
notes.png Random list, no intention to be complete.


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